Bicycle Comp.



Bicycle Computer mount.

Click on thumbnails to expand the pictures.

The "Dutch Treat" is equipped with odometer readings in miles. This gives some discomfort while devellopping tours and riding them for all the folks I do that for and with read the distance in kilometers.

I solved this problem by mounting a Sigma BC-600 bicycle computer.

The sensor is tie-wrapped to a small 90 degrees bend iron plate that is attached to the two axle securing bolts on left side of front-fork. The magnet is tie-wrapped to one of the spokes.

This is another look of it, Beware not to let the sensor be hit by the magnet!

This picture shows the adapter to the axle mount bolts.

At first, the display was rubber-band wrapped to the left handle bar. Ofcourse the wires were not long enough, but those can be extended by a little soldering. Take care to shrink-wrap the connections for moist-protection.

Nowadays, the computer has been duplicated and both are mounted below the instruction mount.