One challenge indeed was the project in which I develloped a Remote Controlled Parapente model aircraft. My good friend Emiel (visit Emiel), who is a experienced Kite designer, agreed to design and build the airfoil to my (and his) specifications. As you can see: he did a fine job. Para-Pentium II The first prototype was called the Para-Pentium II (never start with a 1.0 release for that gives a non-professional image :-). This buggy was constructed from aluminum and plexiglass. I did some re-designing on a standard servo to keep it continuous revolving for steering but it was not strong enough. This model had 3 crashes before I realised to keep full throttle after taking off. After that there were 2 flights in which it did fly nice, but there was no control over left or right. It ended up somewhere in the trees. Picture of the Para-Pentium II : Para-Pentium III After analyzing the
flight characteristics of the aluminium model and the airfoil
behaviour, we decided to enlarge the airfoil (from 16 to 24
cells) and to decrease the flight angle. In the mean time I
designed the second version Pictures of the Para-Pentium III: