


The Hull assembly

For the hull, I initially followed the Mark Porter plans. (You can see the printout I made hanging behind the model :-) 

 It took me a few weeks to get the 0.8 mm plywood. It had to be  specially ordered for me by the model shop.

The 0.4 mm was not available, so I will have to improvise when t comes to the ducts.

Below the finished base:

Because my 0.8 mm ply came in a 1meter section, it was not long enough to make the sidebeams in one piece.

After glueing the components together with cyano acrylate, I put some drops of 2-component plyurethane glue in the joints and heated it with the heat gun. By tilting the hull all directions, it filled the gaps beautifully as it was very liquid for a minute or 2.

Next, supports are made from 6mm Balsa, to support the side beams. Mark's plans do not specify how to arrange this, so I made my own supports:

All supports added to the hull centre section.


Positioning of side decks and bow/stern area:


Finally, the side-decks are supported by a balsa spar.